Legend Club viale Enrico Fermi, 98Known for his stint in Of Montreal and his docufilm Omoiyari, Japanese-American singer-songwriter and violinist Kishi Bashi is coming to Italy for the first time. The only date [...]
Kishi Bashi is the pseudonym of the singer, multi-instrumentalist and songwriter Kaoru Ishibashi. Born in Seattle, Washington, Ishibashi grew up in Norfolk, Virginia, where both his parents were professors at Old Dominion University. After graduating from Matthew Fontaine Maury High School in 1994, he went on to study film music at Berklee College of Music before becoming a renowned violinist. In his career, Ishibashi has toured all over the world and played violin for artists such as Regina Spektor, Sondre Lercheand the already mentioned Of Montreal.
Omoiyari is the fourth album by Kishi Bashi and his most important to date. It is the soundtrack to the documentary of the same name - by the same Ishibashi ā che racconta le vicende dei cittadini americani di origine giapponese che, dopo Pearl Harbor, erano stati incarcerati su suolo statunitense. Molte delle canzoni sono state ispirate dalla storia della sua gente e dall'oppressione che ha vissuto, e intrecciano abilmente storie di amore, perdita e desiderio di far rivivere a chi lo ascolta cose accadute nel passato. Nel tentativo di incanalare le dure lezioni imparate dalla storia, Omoiyari ĆØ una dichiarazione musicale senza compromessi sulla turbolenta atmosfera sociopolitica dell'America odierna.
Known for his stint in Of Montreal and his docufilm Omoiyari, Japanese-American singer-songwriter and violinist Kishi Bashi is coming to Italy for the first time. The only date [...]