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Nell’ultimo anno They weren't jokesthe first monologo metacomico by Immanuel Casto, ha girato il paese con 39 repliche – molte delle quali esaurite in prevendita - e oltre 8000 spettatori. Il Casto Divo annuncia oggi quelle che saranno le ultime occasioni per poter vedere questo speciale spettacolo, che arriverà per la prima volta in diverse città.

"'That wasn't a joke' is a phrase I find myself having to say often," explains Casto. "In particular, whenever I say something that is unintentionally comical, perhaps because of the lapidary wording or the literal use of language I use. It is true that, with time, I started to use humour (especially the blacker kind) intentionally, making it part of my work, but there are still very frequent occasions when I repeat that phrase.

That is why, stepping out of my own musical dimension for the first time, I wrote a meta-comic show, dedicated to the great 'secrets' of communication that I have deciphered over decades of observation, only to discover that for others they were... obvious!

Speaking of discoveries: it was a wonderful surprise for me to realise that my audience is also interested in hearing me develop reasoning, whereas I thought that my tendency to rationalise would alienate them from my performances (and from me). This also gave me the desire to make this bet, which in some ways emphasises aspects of me that I thought I had to repress.

Immanuel Casto, Anagrafe Manuel Cuni, was born in Bergamo and already in his teens began his artistic studies related to theatre and visual arts, devoting himself especially to graphics. In 2002, he moved to Bologna and after working in the theatre, he began his musical project in 2004 as Immanuel Casto. Five years of career lived embryonically on YouTube, collecting millions of hits thanks to refined and somewhat unsettling video clips, e perfezionando un preciso stile musicale da lui definito Porn Groove. Senza alcun supporto discografico nei negozi o rotazione televisiva, Immanuel Casto segna presto numerosi concerti sold-out nei principali club italiani e un hype popolare sempre più crescente. Attualmente ha cinque album all’attivo: la raccolta Porn Groove 2004-2009Adult Music of 2011, Freak&Chic of 2013,  The Pink Album del 2015 e l’ultima uscita L’Età del Consenso che celebra i 14 anni di carriera. Immanuel Casto è stato il primo cantautore europeo a presentare in anteprima mondiale il video del suo singolo in collaborazione con il sito erotico più popolare al mondo: Pornhub. Immanuel Casto è inoltre ideatore e autore e sviluppatore di card games di grande successo come Squillo®, Witch&Bitch® e RedLight®. Dal 2019 ha ricoperto la carica di Presidente del Mensa Italia per due mandati.


Date & Time:
In the box office on show night
€ 17,00 + prev.
Single seat
€ 20,00


Teatro Sperimentale / Ancona

via Redipuglia, 59
Ancona, 60122 Italy