It will be Maurizio Solieri, Vasco Rossi's historic guitarist, to open the six Italian concerts of Deep Purple between 10 and 16 December: Maurizio's 2009 began with the recording of his first solo project, consisting of five songs sung in English and the same number of instrumental pieces, and will end with this highly prestigious appointment. The recordings of the album, with its hard rock flavour, took place between Luca Bignardi's Big Studio (Vasco's historic sound engineer, winner of a Grammy Award) and the Digital Studio with Nicola Venieri, also a producer of many albums by the singer from Zocca. The work should be released in January, and the tour in the company of Deep Purple will be an opportunity to give Italian rockers a preview of it. In the line-up we find other names from Blasco's family:
Michele Luppi (vocals and keyboards), Claudio 'Gallo' Golinelli (bass), Mimmo Camporeale (keyboards) and Adriano Molinari (drums).
Deep Purple have already sold 20,000 tickets for the six scheduled Italian dates of the 'Deep Purple on tour 2009' (over 5,000 in Rome and Milan). It is called 'love' what Italian fans feel for the English band, which after 40 years of activity, is about to begin its most important and demanding tour in the last ten years. The line-up currently consists of Ian Gillan (vocals), Steve Morse (guitar), Roger Glover (bass), Don Airey (keyboards) and Ian Paice (drums) will arrive in Italy on 10 December in Bolzano and will then play in Jesolo, Rome, Perugia, Milan and Bologna in the space of just one week, confirming the incredible state of form of this historic band, which was able to score no fewer than fourteen sold-out concerts in Italy between 2007 and 2008. "Smoke on the Water", "Hush", "Highway Star", "Strange kind of Woman", "Perfect Strangers" are songs that wrote the history of hard rock and still ignite the British band's many fans today, as well as extracts from more recent works such as 'Rapture of the Deep' or 'Purpendicular'.. Deep Purple concerts are a reflection of the great passion for rock, the same passion that has recently been celebrated in films such as 'School of Rock' or 'The Rocker': youngsters and over-50s unite in the name of music to witness more than two hours of driving riffs and immortal songs.
Here are the details of the Italian tour:
THURSDAY 10 DECEMBER BOLZANO PALAONDA Gold Grandstand €50; Numbered seats €40; Gallery €35; Stalls €32 +prev
FRIDAY 11 DECEMBER JESOLO PALASPORT Entrance single seat €35 + prev
Tribuna A num 45€ - Tribuna B num 40€; Parterre single seat 35€; III° anello num €30;
I°-II°-III° ring side visibility numbered 30€+ prev.
MONDAY 14 DECEMBER PERUGIA PALAEVANGELISTI Numbered seats €40; Single seat €30 + prev.
TUESDAY 15 DECEMBER MILAN MEDIOLANUM FORUM Gold Grandstand 45€; 1st ring num 40€ - Platea single seat €35 - 2nd ring unnumbered 30€ + prev.
WEDNESDAY 16 DECEMBER BOLOGNA PALADOZZA Gradinata posto unico 40€; Parterre posto unico €35 + prev.