Prepare to be overwhelmed by dancers full of grace, beauty and energy, expressing the sensuality and sincerity of traditional and classical Indian choreography, combined with the power and rhythm of modern dance. Prepare to be swept away by the beat of exotic and refined rhythms, played live by excellent musicians, while listening to voices worthy of Indian deities. Bharati will bring all this for 6 shows - organised by Barley Arts - from 22 to 27 October 2010 at the Teatro degli Arcimboldi in Milan.
Bharati, a music and dance show that portrays a realistic and genuine mosaic of traditional and contemporary India in the form of a musical, is surely the most spectacular, ambitious and innovative attempt ever staged to introduce Indian popular culture to the world. It explodes India in its exuberance, richness of content and colour, with a grandeur and depth never seen before, presenting the audience with the breathtaking splendour and variety of this enchanting country.
But Bharati is not just about India, it is about any human being who finds himself forced by circumstances to move away from his roots. You can tear a person away from his land, but you cannot tear out his heart. No matter where this person physically lives, his heart belongs to his origins, to his homeland. and for any Indian, Mother Earth is Mother India - Bharat Maa.
The Bharati soundtrack consists of traditional music and some of the most successful songs from Hindi and Tamil cinema. Seven of the film industry's most famous professionals have created original choreographies in various different styles for these songs, all of which are played and performed live on stage.
Each musical scene in Bharati paints the tradition of a specific region of India through the choice of rhythms, typical instruments, vocal arrangements, melodic characteristics, choreographic styles, costumes and video images that create a unique cultural portrait.
Finally, Bharati takes all the ingredients of Indian popular culture and uses them both as a source of inspiration and as a strong link to India's heritage and tradition.
It is both a celebration of India's vitality and an invitation to participate in its traditions by savouring them to the full in their inimitable energy.
BHARATI - The wonder that is India: MILAN, TEATRO DEGLI ARCIMBOLDI from 22 to 27 OCTOBER 2010
Tickets are available from 24 March on the Ticketone sales circuit.
Friday 22 October 9 p.m.
Saturday 23 October 4 p.m. and 9 p.m.
Sunday 24 October 4 p.m.
Tuesday 26 October 9 p.m.
Wednesday 27 October 9 p.m.
Lower stalls € 50.00 + prev;
Upper stalls € 40.00 + prev;
Platea High visibility reduced € 35.00 + prev;
1st Gallery € 30,00 + prev;
1st gallery reduced visibility: € 25.00 + prev
2nd gallery: € 20.00 + prev;
II^ gallery reduced visibility: € 15,00 + prev