The Italian tour of Walking With Dinosaurs - The Live Experience, the show inspired by the famous BBC series, which brought the fantastic world of dinosaurs back to life after 65 million years. The show, featuring life-size dinosaurs, brought to Italy by Barley Arts to the delight and amazement of young and old alike, recorded record numbers. Three Italian cities where it was staged Walking With Dinosaurs - The Live ExperienceMilan, Bologna and Turin, more than 100,000 spectators had the chance to come face to face with the giants of prehistory. The show has been a resounding success, having already attracted five million spectators worldwide and grossed more than $240 million.

"With Walking With Dinosaurs - The Live Experience - said Claudio Trotta of Barley Arts, organiser of the show in Italy - I saw people of all ages, from 3 to 80, participating in something that generated awe and wonder throughout the show. I experienced a healthy and childlike enjoyment in seeing the smiling and relaxed or excited and excited faces of those lucky enough to see the show. This is one of the main reasons why I love my job".

Walking with Dinosaurs - The Live Experience is an unprecedented show in the history of family shows in general and in Italy in particular. It is a practically perfect combination of several elements such as has never been seen before: the use of extremely advanced technology, the cinematographic attention to detail, a spectacularity comparable to that of the great rock concert productions.
