Only a few hours to go until the only Italian date of the NEGATIVESince 1997, Finland (their home country) has been laid to their feet... winners of the 'best Finnish act' at the last MTV Music Awards, the Negative will bring to the stage the powerful new album 'Karma Killer'successor to three other works that became gold records in their homeland.
The band consists of Jonne Aaron (vocals), Larry (guitar), Antti (bass), Jay (drums) and Snack (keyboards)..
While the single 'Won't let go' found space on the Italian networks, the Negative are ready for their first date in Italy:
Live negatives:
Tuesday 17 March 2009 - Bologna - Sottotetto Sound Club
Admission 20€

Il concerto dei JACK & JACK a Milano si sposta al Circolo Magnolia
Per ragioni logistiche il concerto dei Jack & Jack previsto per mercoledì 9 aprile 2025 a Milano si sposta: non si svolgerà ai Magazzini Generali