To the delight of all his fans, Raf will again be on the road from 19 June, on the 2004 summer tour to be produced by Barley Arts. The dates will be announced very soon and could be an excellent opportunity to enjoy the new tracks from the latest studio work live. Ouchof which a brief presentation follows:

With 'Ouch', his new album, Raf confirms his status as one of the most inspired, personal and unpredictable talents of Italian top-class pop. Six years on from the unprecedented rock roughness of 'The proof" and three from the fine writing of "Hyperbole"This new album once again surprises, strikes, excites. Offering "Hyperbole" - the album of reached maturity, as well as a mega-hit like "Infinity - A sequel that lived up to the hype certainly didn't seem easy. But 'Ouch' (an ironic and enigmatic title: it's the exclamation most often uttered by comic book characters when they bump into something...) succeeds in its mission, thanks to a colourful kaleidoscope of sounds and styles ranging from melodic ballads to the most pressing funky rhythms, from classic rock to the ethereal 'chamber' arrangement of 'The meaning of things" via the fascinating 'noisiness' of "The conjurer". Musically chameleonic (a quality enhanced by Raf's vocal performances, at his best in terms of bravura and versatility), this album nevertheless retains from the first to the last note the very strong identity guaranteed by the unmistakable 'Raf style' and by lyrics that - with the exception of the title track, a concerned invective on the evils of the world - explore all the nuances of the oldest and most topical, most 'popular' and most difficult theme: love.

Official website of the artist:


Record company website:
