It is the most important live event for 'heavy' alternative music in recent years in Italy: it rarely happens to have on the same stage the leading band of the Italian scene, the LINE 77in front of an audience in their own city and, above all, as the opening act for the pioneer band of the world scene, the one that has most influenced crossover formations all over the world, the DEFTONES.
Tomorrow night's pairing of Deftones + Linea 77 at Colonia Sonora, at the Parco della Certosa Reale in Collegno (TO) is a tasty dish for Italian fans of what was called 'crossover' a few years ago. Both the Deftones and Linea 77 were two bands that were fundamental to the genre and both have been able to renew and modernise their sound over the years, probably better than anyone else.
Tomorrow, for the first time, Chino Moreno's band and the five guys from Turin will meet on the same stage.
Simply unmissable:
Linea 77 are expected on stage at 20:15, and the Deftones at around 21:30.
I Tickets are still available at the ticket office in Certosa Reale Park from tomorrow afternoon.