There will be a total of seven appointments with the Easy Star All-Stars scheduled for next summer: the three concerts already announced last week (Rome, Sestri Levante and Udine) are joined by those of Modena, Bergamo, Florence and Nuorosome in July, others in August.
This is the updated calendar:
Thursday 02 July - Rome, Villa Ada
Friday 03 July - Carpi (MO), Festa del PD (free entrance)
Saturday 04 July - Sestri Levante (GE), Mojotic Festival c/o Baia del Silenzio
Sunday 05 July - Osoppo (UD), Rototom Sunsplash
Thursday, 06 August - Filago (BG), Filagosto (free admission)
Friday 07 August - Florence, Fortezza da Basso
Saturday 08 August - Orosei (NU), ZEROfest 2009 (free admission)

Il concerto dei JACK & JACK a Milano si sposta al Circolo Magnolia
Per ragioni logistiche il concerto dei Jack & Jack previsto per mercoledì 9 aprile 2025 a Milano si sposta: non si svolgerà ai Magazzini Generali