One of the most incredible shows ever staged on this planet lands in Milan today! WALKING WITH DINOSAURS from tonight (8:30 pm) is at the Forum di Assago! Reruns will be on Thursday and Friday, also at 8:30 pm, while on Saturday and Sunday shows will be at 11 am, 3 pm and 7 pm.

After 65 million years, dinosaurs are reappearing on Earth. The giants of prehistory have returned and will soon reach Italy with an astonishing show featuring life-size dinosaurs, a unique opportunity to meet live the creatures that dominated the planet for two hundred million years. WALKING WITH DINOSAURS - The Live Experience - inspired by the award-winning TV series broadcast by the BBC, on 24 February 2010 it will open its Italian tour, promoted by Barley Arts, and according to the premise there are all the elements to call it one of the most exciting and pioneering shows ever seen in our country to date.


The cities that will see the huge prehistoric creatures take the stage are: Milan (24 to 28 February - Mediolanum Forum), Bologna (3 to 7 March - Futurshow Station) and Turin (10 to 14 March - Palaolimpico). Unique is the possibility of coming face to face with a world as distant as it is unimaginable for humans. WALKING WITH DINOSAURS - The Live Experience - describes the universe in which the dinosaurs lived, the climatic changes that took place on earth and forced many species to extinction. The protagonists are precisely the prehistoric animals, brought to the stage with disarming, almost cinematic realism, so that the viewer can immerse himself in the extraordinary world of the dinosaurs and be surprised by a universe governed by the harsh laws of prey and predator.


This is neither a film nor an archaeological exhibition! WALKING WITH DINOSAURS - The Live Experience - is an actual 96-minute play, divided into two acts. Since the dimensions of the dinosaurs correspond to what they actually had to be in reality, the only sufficiently large venues in which to place them are sports halls.


Ten species dominate the scene in WALKING WITH DINOSAURS - The Live Experience - along the two hundred million years of dinosaur sovereignty narrated by the show: there is the terrifying Tyrannosaurus rex, the true terror of the ancient earth, the Plateosaurus and Liliensterno of the Triassic period, the Stegosaurus and Allosaurus of the Jurassic period and the Torosaurus and Utahraptor of the Cretaceous period. And then, again from the Cretaceous period, the armoured dinosaur, Ankylosaurus and Ornithocheirus, among the largest flying animals of the entire era. The largest of all dinosaurs on display is the 17-metre-long Brachiosaurus from nose to tail.


During the performance, a team of professional technicians coordinates the action of the individual dinosaurs on stage, through the use of advanced new technologies, specially created to bring these creatures to life. The sights, sounds and sophisticated movements of the animals on stage engage the spectator, giving him the distinct feeling of seeing real dinosaurs, natural and spontaneous in their movements, even towards the audience.
Milan 24-28 February Mediolanum Forum

Bologna 3-7 March Futurshow Station

Turin 10-14 March Palaolimpico