Arriving in concert in just over a month is Lily Allen, the queen of pop but also of transgression, the latest generation icon, post-feminist, simply a star. With her second album 'It's Not You, It's Me' released last February, she has consolidated a steadily rising success. While the single 'The Fear' is still raging on the radio, Lily is about to release a second one. In Milan on 29 April at Magazzini Generali her only Italian concert. Tickets at 25 euros + presale fees available soon.
Le BOUQUET OF MADNESS annunciano il “Bello senza Asterisco Tour”, due date in teatri di prestigio nel 2025!
Per concludere in bellezza un anno di grandi soddisfazioni – la sempre crescente popolarità del podcast nelle sue varie declinazioni, il travolgente successo degli spettacoli