The True Story of Bananagun, released in June 2020, is the first recording experience of the Bananagun as a five-piece band, the right evolution of demos and ideas originally born in the frontman's bedroom Nick van Bakel. The multi-instrumentalist grew up with skate videos, absorbing the hip hop beats that accompanied them, and was later joined by his cousin Jimi Gregg on drums - with whom he shared a passion for The Jungle Book - and the other members who have the same interest in doing fun things: Jack Crook (guitar and vocals), Charlotte Tobin (djembe and percussion) and Josh Sans (bass). A fresh and playful spontaneity developed between them, carried on through late night rehearsals and appointments in Melbourne recording studios.
Despite the obvious references to the past, the band does not like revival in the strict sense; on the contrary, with their debut album they take a leap into the future with an extraordinary blend of tropical psychedelia. The band's seemingly innocuous name sends out a message of unity that matches the universality of the music: in the words of van BakelIt's like a non-violent fight, or a guy doing a robbery with a banana instead of a gun and telling the police not to take themselves too seriously!"