It is a real 'space' invasion that is taking place in Udinewith the arrival of the exhibition 'GATEWAY TO SPACE - A Memorable Adventure'.which will officially open its doors to the public Friday 16 May, at 11.00to remain open until 31 Julyfrom Friday to Sunday in Hall 6 of the exhibition centre.
Gateway To Space door for the first time in Europe the tools and technologies of man's great journey to conquer the Moon. An event with great potential for the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and the City of Udine, which in the coming weeks will welcome thousands of people, many of them from outside the region and from abroad. A great exhibition, starting from the numbers: in the past few days as many as 23 containers from 40 feetwhich houses the invaluable materials coming directly from theU.S. Space & Rocket Center of NASA that will occupy the entire hall 6 of the fair (accessible from the west entrance). These days, dozens of staff have been busy setting up, highly qualified in handling these objects, which require great care and attention, as they are unique pieces that have contributed to human history and progress. The European debut of Gateway to Space follows the triumph obtained at the end of 2013 in Baku, Azerbaijan, where it was able to attract more than two hundred thousand spectators. On the organisational side, dozens of bookings have already been made, mostly by groups of enthusiasts and schools, confirming the didactic importance of this Nasa project. "The objective of the exhibition," explains Jose ArajuioExecutive Director of Gateway to Space - is to put within everyone's reach a universe that mixes science, technology, adventure and many question marks, which are still being attempted to be answered. Gateway to Space is an excellent example of Edutainmentwhich successfully mixes education and entertainment, making it a valuable experience for enthusiasts, students and families, within everyone's reach'.
The exhibition Gateway to Space consists of over 100 extraordinary piecesall from theU.S. Space & Rocket Center of Nasaan invaluable collection that includes memorabilia, reproductions of missiles, space stations, clothing and accessories, meteorite particles. A complete excursus recounting man's journey into space, starting with the first imaginary visions of Jules Verne, who wrote the book 'From the Earth to the Moon' in 1865, passing by figures of fundamental importance in the concrete development of this dream, such as Wernher von Braun, a German scientist and engineer naturalised in the USA, who is considered to be the progenitor of the American space programme. The journey continues with a section devoted to the space race, on both the American and Soviet sides, where the different approaches of the two superpowers of the time are also explored. After this introductory part, the heart of the exhibition is represented in the large central hall, where it is possible to admire magnificent and absolutely fascinating pieces up close. This section features elements of the spacecraft Sojuz and the space station MirSoviet side, elements of the International Space Stationwith the workshop Destiny which the public will be able to walk through, the faithful reproduction of the lunar rocket Saturn V, the most powerful one ever built by the United States, used to launch the conquest to the Moon. A journey from the past to the future that Gateway to Spacewith the in-depth study of the project Orion and the presence of the module designed to one day take man to Mars. A unique experience that can also be fully enjoyed through the four different simulators. The visitor will be able to pilot a fighter F18 and engage in an aerial battle, with Land the Shuttle can land a spacecraft, with the MAT (Multi Axis Trainer) will experience the disorientation one feels during a whirlwind re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere and finally, with the Five Degrees of Freedom, will experience a flight in a lunar capsule, in zero gravity. Through the objects in the collection, you will also be able to learn about the dynamics of life in space. There will also be a spacesuit original, weighing 82 kg (corresponding to 14 on the Moon) and a long series of objects that characterised life in space, including astronaut feeding, personal hygiene care and pastimes. Objects that were used for the first time in those years and later became a driving force in the technological and social development of all mankind. The highlight of the exhibition will then be the two examples of Moonstone that will be on display, priceless pieces from the mere 382 kg of rock recovered during the six Apollo Missions. In fact, it is estimated that these finds, recovered by the astronaut Dave Scottmember of theApollo 15have an age of about 4 billion years, older than 99.9 % of all the rocks that make up Planet Earth. This and much more is Gateway to Spacea memorable adventure, designed to be enjoyed by all, young and old, audiences who will come face to face with some of mankind's greatest discoveries, and with the many big questions for which answers are still being sought.
Gateway to Spacebrought to Europe for the first time by Barley Arts, in collaboration with Azalea Promotion and Udine and Gorizia Fierewill be open from Friday 16 May, from Friday to Sunday, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.. Tickets for the exhibition are available on the circuit. All information on e .
TimetableFriday to Sunday from 11.00 at 19.00 - Last admission 6 p.m.
Extraordinary Openings: 2 June 2014
Admission Full price € 13.00 + entrance fee € 1.50 = € 14.50
Reduced Children (Under 12) € 7.00 + p.d. € 1.50 = € 8.50
Reduced Groups (min 15 - max 30 persons) € 7,00 + d.p. € 1,50 = € 8,50
Families (4 persons) € 7.50 + d.p. € 1.50 = € 9.00
Reduced price for schools (min 15 - max 30 persons) € 5.00 + d.p. € 1.00 = € 6.00
Subscription Open € 15.00 + d.p. € 1.50 = € 16.50
Barley Arts Promotio: +39 026884084 - - [email protected]
Azalea Promotion tel. +39 0431 510393 - - [email protected]
John Candussio tel. +39 348 9007439 - [email protected]
Francesco Negroni- [email protected]