A new 'House Concert' in Milan: the success of this new type of event continues. These are concerts in surprise locations, revealed only a few days before the date of the show. To find out more about how it works, you can easily find the rules and how to participate at www.myspace.com/houseconcertslive.
The star of the next 'House Concert' will be Kaki King the 19 September next.
Here is the presentation of this already well-known American artist who will perform acoustically on this occasion.
Born in Atlanta, she savoured music from an early age, thanks to her lawyer father's passion for the Beatles and Fleetwood Mac. Already at the age of four, she took guitar lessons (her father is a collector) but soon opted for the drums, which she studied until she was eleven. She then took up the guitar again, thanks in part to her adolescent passions for Johnny Marr of the Smiths and Graham Coxon of Blur.
She moved to New York and studied at New York University, but to support herself she started playing on the streets and subways, attracting the attention of passers-by. After several passers-by asked her if she had ever released anything, she managed to make a demo with her small savings. She then worked as a waitress in the famous New York club 'Mercury Lounge'where interesting artists who managed to get a launch in the discography performed. His demo attracted the attention of "Knitting FactoryIt was a short step from there, and in 2003 he released his first album Everybody Loves You.
Her debut album attracted the attention of critics, who described her as one of the most interesting artists of recent years. From that moment on, her career was on the rise, eventually opening concerts for artists such as Marianne Faithfull, David Byrne and many others. He also collaborates with the Foo Fighters for their album Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace.
In 2007, he appeared in the film La musica nel cuore, and collaborated on the music for Into the Wild by Sean Pennwith the tracks Frame e Doing the Wrong Thing which are part of his 2004 second album Legs to Make Us Longer.
In interviews with LGBT magazines, the artist came out as a lesbian.
WOLFMOTHER e DIRTY HONEY insieme per due show da non perdere!
Dopo l’annuncio dell’imperdibile giornata di Comfort Festival® di mercoledì 9 luglio 2025, che li vedrà insieme sul palco della Villa Casati Stampa di Cinisello Balsamo,