Just over a month to go until the upcoming European tour of Jack Johnsonwhich kicks off on 22 February in Dublin and will touch down in our country on the only Italian date scheduled for 22 February. 9 March at Alcatraz in Milan. While we anticipate that tickets for the show are on their way to being sold-out, we take this opportunity to introduce the concert's special guest : Matt Costa.
22 years old, born and bred in California, Matt Costa soon left a promising career as a skate-boarder and began recording several demos, which landed in the hands of Tom Dumont (guitarist of No Doubt) who helped him record his first EP. In 2005 he released 'Songs We Sing', a pearl of folk/pop with references to Bob Dylan and Donovan Lietch.
In Barley Box here on the right, a 30" extract of his music. For more, we refer you to these internet references :
+ Guest : MATT COSTA
Thursday 9 MARCH 2006
Entrance Single Seat : 25 euro + prev
Info : Barley Arts, 02.76113055
Official website of the artist :