THE PRODIGY in Italy in August with 'The Day Is My Enemy'.

On the occasion of the release of the new album "The Day Is My Enemy" (Take Me To The Hospital/Cooking Vinyl, 2015), i Prodigy return to Italy Tuesday 25 August 2015 at Campovolo in Reggio Emiliaas part of FestaReggio. Special guest of the evening will be Psalm. I tickets are available on the Ticketone circuit (DIRECT LINK HERE) and in retail outlets Vivaticket.

"The Day Is My Enemy" comes six years after "Invaders Must Die (Take Me To The Hospital/Cooking Vinyl, 2009) and immediately jumped to the top of the charts all over the world, also thanks to the singles "Nasty and the eponymous "The Day Is My Enemy". The eleven tracks that make up the album were composed during after-afterparty and concerts around the world and capture the true essence of the Prodigypowerful and incendiary today as it was 25 years ago.

"I prefer playing live in analogue rather than programming everything. I'm tired of looking at a computer screen, that's never been my thing. It doesn't matter if there are mistakes or inaccuracies, that's what makes music authentic."explains Liam Howlettcreator of the sound of the Prodigyenriched by the impressive live performances of the other two founders of the band, vocalists Keith Flint e Maxim.