Capable of enchanting audiences with the captivating and intricate sound of timeless rock, the Counting Crows return to Italy, one year later, for three appointments: Wednesday 13 July at CarroPonte in Sesto San Giovanni (MI), Thursday 14 July at D'Annunzio Theatre, Pescara e Saturday 16 July at Circus Maximus - Postepay Rock in Rome for theopening act of the concert by Bruce Springsteen. Tickets for the dates in Sesto San Giovanni (MI) and Pescara will be available on the circuit Ticketone from 10 a.m. Monday 7 Marchthose of the live in Rome are the same as those of the Bruce Springsteen concert, available at the points of sale of the circuits Box Office Lazio, Vivaticket, Booking Show, ETES and online at PostePayFun and on Ticketone.
I Counting Crows are Adam Duritz (voice), Jim Bogios (battery), Charlie Gillingham (floor), David Bryson (guitar), David Immergluck (guitar), Millard Powers (bass) and Dan Vickrey (guitar). Since their beginnings, they have captured the attention of audiences and critics alike with their fascination for typically American rock sounds that are, however, interwoven with folk, blues and country influences: August and Everything After 1993, the band's first studio album, is considered one of the best alternative rock CDs of the 1990s.
I Counting Crows have laid the foundations of their great success on the composition of songs that are always well structured musically and whose lyrics are always effective in expressing different moods each time. An uncompromising music that focuses on an emotion, a story to identify with, which the band dissects note after note, word after word, as in Somewhere Under Wonderland, their latest record work.
Wednesday 13 July 2016
CarroPonte, Sesto San Giovanni - via Luigi Granelli, 1
Doors 8 p.m. / Concerts start at 9.30 p.m.
Standing room only: € 35.00 + prev.
Tickets available on the circuit Ticketone from 10 o'clock by Monday 7 March.
Thursday 14 July 2016
D'Annunzio Theatre, Pescara - Lungomare Cristoforo Colombo, 122
Doors h.20.30 / Concerts start h. 21.15
Sector I: € 45.00 + prev.
Box seats: € 35.00 + prev.
Tickets available on the circuit Ticketone from 10 o'clock by Monday 7 March.
Saturday 16 July 2016
Circus Maximus - Postepay Rock in Rome
Standing room only € 85.00 + prev.
Opening act of the concert by Bruce Springsteen; single ticket for both concerts.
Available tickets in the points of sale of the Box Office Lazio, Vivaticket, Booking Show, ETES and online at PostePayFun and on Ticketone.