GIANLUCA GRIGNANI, proseguono le presentazioni della sua autobiografia. Appuntamento al Locarno Film Festival il 14 agosto!

È in libreria e negli store digitali “ROCK'N'ROLL RESIDUES - An artist's honest diary"the autobiography of GIANLUCA GRIGNANI scritta con il giornalista EUGENIO ARCIDIACONO, con la prefazione di IRAMA e la postfazione di STEFANO SENARDI, ed edita da Edizioni San Paolo (pp. 240, euro 18,00 –

Il cantautore eclettico ed elettrico incontrerà il pubblico l’autobiografia questa sera, giovedì 27 giugno,presso la Libreria Tarantola di SESTO SAN GIOVANNI, in provincia di Milano (Piazza Martiri di Via Fani, 1 – ore 18.00 prenotazione obbligatoria scrivendo a

Sabato 29 giugno, alle ore 20.30, Gianluca Grignani sarà al Pincio di FANO on the occasion of Passaggi Festival Fano, per presentare il suo nuovo libro in un dialogo con il giornalista Eugenio Arcidiacono moderato dalla scrittrice Valentina Farinaccio. Al termine della presentazione si terrà il firmacopie.

The subtitle "Sincere diary of an artist"encapsulates the essence of the bookThrough music, Gianluca Grignani has always described himself and his vision of the world and in these pages he does so laying bare with absolute sincerity. In chapters named after some of his most famous songs, Grignani recounts his childhood marked by his troubled relationship with his parents and traumatic experiences, the success achieved when he was still very youngso sudden and resounding that it threatened to overwhelm him, the often complicated relations with the discography and the press,friendship with other artistsfirst of all Lucio Dalla.

A series of unpublished short stories and poems embellish the Narration of Gianluca Grignani's past and new musical projectswith a focus on literary, cinematic and musical sources of inspiration, the hard work and joy behind an idea taking shape, and the relationships with the musicians working with him.

What emerges from the autobiography is the image of an artist who manages to sweep away the residue that life leaves behind to release the force that has always saved him: rock'n'rollThe same rock'n'roll that Gianluca Grignani brought live to Italy's major clubs (10 sold-out dates) with REMNANTS OF ROCK'N'ROLL, il tour che prosegue quest’estate con una serie di appuntamenti speciali.
Al prossimo appuntamento in programma il 7 agosto allo Stadio Comunale Fonte dell’Olmo di ROSETO DEGLI ABRUZZI (Teramo) at the 9th edition of the festival Emotions in Pop Music, si aggiunge una nuova e ultima data il 14 agosto a LOCARNO (Svizzera) presso la Rotonda by la Mobiliare as part of Locarno Film Festival (free admission).

To unite those on stage and the spectators, a setlist full of hits to be sung at the top of one's voice and great hits that have marked not only Grignani's 30-year career, but also the history of Italian music, from "Destination Paradise" a "My story between my fingers", passing through "The plastic factory".

On stage Gianluca Grignani will be accompanied by thethe band consisting of Salvatore Cafiero (lead guitar and backing vocals), Frè Monti (guitars and backing vocals), Valerio Combass (low), Luigi Russo (keyboards) and Antonio De Marianis (battery).

I biglietti per la data di Roseto degli Abruzzi sono disponibili in prevendita su Ticketone e su Ciaotickets.

Il tour è organizzato e promosso da Barley Arts.

Gianluca Grignani's outfits on tour are signed John Richmond.

RollingStone Italy is the official media partner of the tour.