After the Spring of Madness tourwhich took them around Italy to six shows - of which three sold out - the duo of Bouquet of Madness back on the road to two new appointments: Thursday 15 September at MONK in Romeand a special evening Halloween of Madness at 23:30 of Monday 31 October at the Teatro Filodrammatici in Milanduring which cases perfectly in keeping with the most haunted night of the year will be dealt with. I tickets for the evenings are already available at Says (Rome), Ticketone e Vivaticket (Milan).
As with past events, during the performances Martina e Federica will record the podcast liveone of the most followed and loved by Italian crime fans. Bouquet of Madness quickly won over Italian listeners, reaching the top of the charts of the best podcasts on major listening platforms. Bouquet of Madness - for friends BOM - talks about the strangest, most absurd and mysterious crime cases in Italy and around the world, without solutions but with lots of questions: in each episode Federica e Martina tell us two stories with a pleasant tinge of black humour, bringing to light the absurdities of human behaviour. To date Bouquet of Madness count more than sixty episodesa spin-off - MiniBomavailable by subscription only on Spotify - as well as a series of participations in festivals and events including the Lucca Comics. Their way of telling stories and creating catchphrases such as the human labrador, i wafflers e beautiful* has gathered around them a fierce fan base of BOMers who is looking forward to meeting them live.
The first gem of an idea popped up several months before the actual realisation of the first episode and it was just a wish, a promise: "Wouldn't it be nice to have a project together?".
Both Federica which Martina They follow numerous podcasts, and the choice of theme was also straightforward, despite the fact that the two approach true crime in different ways: Martina è method e likes to plunge into the dark, Federica does so from counter-phobic and the thing he is most afraid of in the world is the serial killers.
The title of the podcast is inspired by the monologue of Ophelia's madness in Shakespeare's Hamletin which the Bouquet of Madness is described: ""There is also sense in his delirium; thoughts and remembrances conform." Laertes says, while Ophelia illustrates the flowers with which she has adorned her hair on the way to madness."
Thursday 15 September 2022
Rome, MONK - via Giuseppe Mirri, 35
Start h. 21:00
Tickets available on Says.
Single seat: € 10.00 + prev. / € 13.00 at the box office on the evening of the performance
Monday, 31 October 2022 - Halloween of Madness
Milan, Teatro Filodrammatici - via Filodrammatici, 1
Start h. 23:30
Tickets available on Ticketone e Vivaticket.
Numbered seats: € 15.00 + prev.