On the eve of the release of their new album ('The Cure', produced by Ross Robinson for Geffen) Robert Smith's The Cure return to Italy on 20 June with a concert at the Ex Area Italsider in Naples. "When I hear about the way we created this new album (the first in four years, ed.), it seems almost unreal to me. It sounds like I'm talking about some kind of weird group therapy, but this album has actually changed my way of doing things. I expect a lot more from us now,' says Smith. One of the reasons for this change lies in the fact that, for the first time, the Cure have worked with a producer (Ross Robinson), whose work with artists such as Korn, Vex Red and Slipknot has arguably made him the most influential sound chiseller of the last decade. Robinson himself has publicly stated that working with the band, of whom he has been a fan since his teenage years, would truly be his peak, and his determination to make this work the best Cure album ever pushed the group to new boundaries - which is why they were content to simply call it 'The Cure'.

"The performances on 'The Cure' are definitely emotion-driven" -Smith explains-"especially since we recorded the songs directly live in the studio, something we haven't done since the days of our very first album (Three Imaginary Boys, 1979, n.d.a.)".

These are the essential premises for a show -the one in Naples, organised by the Regione Campania (Department of Tourism, Culture, Leisure and Entertainment) and the Municipality of Naples (Department of Cultural Policies, Artistic Heritage and Museum Management) together with Barley Arts in collaboration with Neapolis Festival - which can be defined to all intents and purposes as an event: on 20 June, a band will take the stage at the Area Italsider that has proven to be able to stand the test of time, renewing itself but never losing sight of its basic identity.

To open the concert, in addition to the Venetians Sun Eats Hourshere are the beginners MARLA SINGERready to present to the general public the tracks from their debut album, due at the end of September on the label Artenativa/Venus. Marla Singer is a character from Fight Club, David Fincher's film, a girl who has lost her temporal meaning and unconditionally lives her own time, losing herself in extremes, in being an angel and a demon, without a break. It is from this premise that Marla Singer was born, a band composed of unstable geometries, figures that modify their basic composition: pentagon on stage, hexagon during recording, octagon in the imaginative moment, until reaching a perfect circle live, where the band's energy manages to represent this rock conjunction.

SINGLE SEAT TICKETS: 27 euro + prev
INFO LINE: 02.76113055

Barley Arts Press Office - 15 June 2004