After a forced hiatus of three years, but following the extraordinary success with the public and critics of the two previous editions, which recorded over 90,000 paying spectators in the 82 performances throughout Italy, a new season of WE WILL ROCK YOUthe show with the Queen's hit produced by Claudio Trotta and directed by Michaela Berlini. Tickets are now available on the main ticketing circuits and on the websites of the individual theatres.
The exciting story of Galileo e ScaramoucheQueen, a great love story for Music and Freedom, will be staged in Italian theatres with a renewed cast, to once again inflame entire audiences animated by young and old, who will share with the protagonists, amidst emotions and laughter, the story of a Hope for a better future, of the commitment and sacrifice needed to change a destiny that seems already written, of the saving power of Rock and Roll, of the importance of knowledge and real sharing and the right to express oneself. The rhythm of the narration is driven by Queen's greatest hits, played rigorously live by a band of six musicians, for more than two and a half hours of performance.
The new season of We Will Rock You will start in Milan in February 2023 (2 to 5 February; 9 to 12 February, CheBanca! National Theatre) before moving on to other major cities: Turin (3 to 4 March, Teatro Colosseo); Lugano (8 March, Teatro Lac); Padua (18 March, Gran Teatro Geox); Bergamo (30 March, Creberg Theatre Bergamo); Trieste (4 to 6 April, Politeama Rossetti); Trento (12-13 April, Auditorium Santa Chiara); Brescia (15 April, Gran Teatro Morato); Florence (21 to 23 April, Teatro Verdi); Reggio Emilia (28 to 30 April 2023, Teatro Valli).
The original play was written and produced by Ben Eltonin collaboration with Roger Taylor e Brian May. The music and songs are the original ones, sung in English and performed strictly live. The lyrics were translated by Raffaella Rolla in 2018 and re-adapted for this latest version by Director Michaela Berlini and the Producer Claudio Trotta. The executive producer is Cristina Trotta.
The musical direction is by Riccardo De Paola and the vocal one of Antonio Torella
I tickets issued for the replicas originally scheduled between the 13 and 23 January 2022 in Milan are valid to access new performances, respecting the week of the programme, day and time of the performance as stated on the coupon (e.g. someone who bought a ticket for the 3.30 p.m. performance on Saturday 15 January 2022 will be able to access the 3.30 p.m. performance on Saturday 4 February 2023). No changes are foreseen.
Those in possession of a Barley Arts performance voucher can still use it to purchase tickets for the new performances.
MILAN, from 2 to 5 February; from 9 to 12 February, CheBanca!
TURIN3 to 4 March, Colosseum Theatre
LUGANO (SWITZERLAND), 8 March, Lac Theatre
PADUA, 18 March, Gran Teatro Geox
BERGAMO, 30 March, Creberg Theatre Bergamo
TRIESTE4 to 6 April, Politeama Rossetti
TRENTO, 12 to 13 April, Auditorium Santa Chiara
BRESCIA, 15 April, Gran Teatro Morato
FLORENCE21-23 April, Teatro Verdi
REGGIO EMILIA, 28 to 30 April 2023, Teatro Valli
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Communication WE WILL ROCK YOU - THE MUSICAL by:
Daniele Mignardi Promopressagency
T 06 32651758 r.a.- [email protected] –