It is a very special project that revolves around AURA, a very talented young artist, who a few days after his recording debut with the album OKUMUKI (in shops from tomorrow 22 April, on the ArteNativa - SonyMusic label) , presents her songs live accompanied on stage by a band consisting of Alberto De Rossi (guitar), Davide Pezzin (bass), Davide De Vito (drums) and Antonio Lanzillotti (keyboards).

A choice that underlines the artistic dimension of L'AURA, a singer, composer and musician of incredible expressiveness and on stage endowed with an uncommon communicative intensity.

After several years spent in the USA perfecting himself as a musician and absorbing the Californian good vibes, L'Aura returned to Italy in his early twenties to record his debut album. At her side, as producer, is a respected name: Enrique Gonzalez Mulleralready working with artists such as Dave Matthews Band and Joe Satriani.

The result is OKUMUKI, an album with a title inspired by the Japanese world, sung partly in English and partly in Italian, launched by the single Radio Star (30" in the Barley Box on the right), already in high rotation on all radio stations and on MTV. These are the dates to hear it live in four special showcases:

Wednesday 4 May 2005
Florence - The 'Progress' People's House
Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 135
ADMISSION: Euro 7.00 (including drinks)

Thursday 12 May 2005
Mira (VE) - Villa dei Leoni Theatre
Via Don Minzoni, 26
ADMISSION: Euro 10.00 (single unnumbered seat) - Euro 7.00 (reduced for minors and Caligola members)
INFO: 041.4266545 - www.teatrovilladeileoni.it

Tuesday 17 May 2005
Rome - Jailbreak
Via Tiburtina, 870
ADMISSION: Euro 4.00
INFO: 06.4063155 - www.jailbreak.it

Wednesday 18 May 2005
Milan - The House 139
Via Ripamonti, 139
ADMISSION: Euro 8.00 + ARCI membership card
INFO: www.lacasa139.com - [email protected]

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