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Dolcenera 2

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Dolcenera - Fiorenzuola d'Arda (PC)

Pianist and multi-instrumentalist, songwriter and producer, with an approach, to music as in life, that is histrionic, enthusiastic, but also, given her studies in engineering, methodical and orthodox.
Each of her piano performances has always highlighted her special qualities that make her unique on the musical scene: the chiaroscuro of her singing and her piano playing, the ability to improvise vocally, the rock-blues touch in her voice, the sensitivity in emphasising emotions.
Those who have seen her live several times are continually amazed by her improvisational skills that make each of her performances surprisingly different.
Her fans consider her to be even better live than on records, which makes her smile because Dolcenera knows that she is a so-called stage animal, a definition that is proof for an artist to be 'real'.


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