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Immanuel Casto & Romina Falconi neutro tour

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Immanuel Casto and Romina Falconi are renewing their artistic partnership and, as happened in the 2014 "Sognando Cracovia Tour", they are announcing a new tour together in a single joint set where they will play and sing their respective repertoires live, accompanied by their live band. "Insegnami la Vita Tour" takes its name from the duet of the same name between Immanuel and Romina, contained in Immanuel Casto's latest unreleased album, "Malcostume", released last June.

Here are the first dates:

Thursday 24 November 2022 - Turin, Spazio211

Friday 25 November 2022 - Brescia, Latte+ Live

Thursday 8 December 2022 - Mezzago (MB), Bloom

Friday 16 December 2022 - Pisa, Lumiere

Saturday 17 December 2022 - Modena, OFF Modena

I tickets for all concerts except Brescia are already available on Ticketonethose of Brescia are on sale at Ciaotickets.

Access to the Modena concert will also require theĀ STOFF card.

Immanuel Casto e Romina Falconi they met artistically in the single 'Crash' in 2011 and after more than ten years they celebrate together on stage an important union that has brought them both much satisfaction in musical and extra-musical terms. In addition to the various duets that have accompanied a decade of mutual esteem ("Eyeliner", "Who is Afraid of Gender",Ā  'Dreaming of Krakow', 'Teach Me Life'), Immanuel and Romina founded the creative factory Freak&Chic Srl where they collaborate with each other on their respective projects.


Date & Time:
17/12/2022 - 10:30 pm - 18/12/2022 - 12:30 am
Standing room only
ā‚¬ 18,00 + prev.
In the box office on show night
ā‚¬ 20,00
Admission allowed for card holders
