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MIKA - Padua

Mika will be in Padua on Saturday 1 February 2020, at the Kioene Arena in via S. Marco, 53. The concert is organised and promoted by Barley Arts and Zed!

The tour will continue in spring 2020 in the United States, Canada, South America, Japan, China and Korea. "Even the title of the tour is connected to my path of identity research and - in fact - revelation that I have undertaken in this new artistic adventure. I'm preparing a show full of surprises, strengthened by the experience and baggage acquired with my television shows, but bringing music back to the centre of everything. In Italy, then, it will be a thrill for me to travel from one end of the peninsula to the other. With Stasera CasaMika I invited you all to party at my house, this time I will come to your house. I will come knocking on your door, city by city. I hope you will welcome me".

Tickets for each date of the Italian tour are available on the three circuits Vivaticket, Ticketmaster e Ticketone.




Revelation Tour


Saturday 1 February 2020

Padua, Kioene Arena - Via S. Marco, 53



Parterre standing: € 40,00 + prev.

Gold numbered grandstand: € 60.00 + prev.

Numbered centre grandstand: € 50.00 + prev.

Numbered side grandstand: € 40.00 + prev.


Date & Time:


