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After the great success of 2009 and 2010, We Will Rock You, the show with Queene's greatest hits among the most performed musicals in the world, is finally ready to return to the Italian stage from October: after a boom of applications for auditions, the names of the new protagonists are finally presented. Meanwhile, the calendar of the long Italian tour continues to expand with seven more dates.

On stage a cast of talented singer-actors: Salvo Vinci in the part of Galileo and Alessandra Ferrari in Scaramouche's. Valentina Ferrari will be Killer Queen, while Paolo Barillari it will be Khashoggi. Claudio Zanelli it will be Britt, Loredana Fadda Oz, while Massimiliano Colonna will play the role of Pop.

This is not a repeat of the previous show but a brand new production specially conceived for our country by Claudio Trotta for Barley Arts. While retaining the story, characters and original music, which will be performed by a live band, this is a new staging, careful to emphasise the political aspectcurrent and visionary the basis of the musical and completely revamped in every respect: from the Direction, entrusted to Lawrence Olivier Award nominee Tim Luscombe, to the Scenography conceived by Colin Mayesto the choreographies by Gail Richardson. Artistic Direction and Vocal Coaching are entrusted to Valentina Ferrari, while Riccardo Di Paola is at the Music Directorate, Antonio Torella the Vocal Direction and Cristina Trotta the Executive Producer.

Beyond 8 million viewers, 2700 performance e 12 consecutive years of performances in Londonthese are the numbers of We Will Rock You, the musical that stages 24 of Queen's greatest hits and reflects the historic band's live performances. The show was produced by Ben Eltonin collaboration with Roger Taylor e Brian May. The show debuted at the Dominion Theatre in London on 12 May 2002 and the success was so resounding that it entered the Top 10 of the longest-running shows in the history of the West End. The musical made its Italian debut on 4 December 2009 at the Allianz Theatre in Milan, and was also a great success in Italy. Declaring such a welcome was the choice, shared by Queen themselves, to keep the songs in English (except for two) and to translate and re-adapt only the dialogue.

For the new seasons, the artistic project will privilege discounting e contemporaneity of the story. A unique show of its kind that, with great foresight, hypothesised, in a dystopian future in which rock is banned and its followers forced into hiding, a society that is a victim of total globalisation and at the mercy of a multinational corporation that controls not only music but the lives of individuals.




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