Forum Arte Spettacolo - The restart: necessary and possible

The FAS - Arts and Entertainment Forumafter months of spontaneous and united activity by many components of the entertainment industry affected by the emergency, reiterates the absolute and immediate need for the restart of productive activity.

Restart of sociability and sharing in the physical spaces of entertainment, culture and all related activities.

Restart governed by a single protocol defining the modalities of participation, the capacities of the facilities and the health and organisational protocols to be adopted.

Restart which cannot only wait for the start of the large-scale events, but must instead allow the resumption of activities for all the rest of the events, which represent the true cultural and productive fabric of the large performing arts and entertainment industry.

La design, programming and promotion of events cannot be separated from a definite time, a precise date, without which they cannot be realised.

We therefore propose that this date be the 20 March next spring to coincide with the spring equinox, may it be a new spring of sharing, accessibility and rebirth for our industry!

Restart with a certain date in order to rekindle the interest of the audience, to face the difficult challenge of attendance, to reorganise the event venues, with particular attention to flow management, to the safety of the public and of show business workers.

Restart with a new, more sustainable and shared economic model that nurtures and develops job opportunities for all.

Restart multiplying replicas of performances even in smaller sizes in the same cities and spaces, reducing the mobility of high volumes of people, vehicles and facilities (which we understand is also a legitimate health concern), adopting the philosophy of 'green deal' European, to offer local job opportunities, thus also developing the politics of the territories, thus favouring shared production methods that above all enhance the essence of representation.

To support the restart we have drawn up a protocol that we make available to the CTS and the institutions for necessary and due consideration.

22 December 2020


FAS- Forum Arte Spettacolo

Arts and Entertainment Forum: [email protected]