GIANLUCA GRIGNANI, the special concert for the 25th anniversary of 'The Plastic Factory' moves to October 2022

We regret to inform you of the reprogramming of the concert by Gianluca Grignani The Plastic Factory and Only the Best, scheduled for Saturday 29 January 2022 at the Mediolanum Forum in Assago (MI) and now postponed to Saturday 15 October 2022 at the same venue.

The decision was taken in the light of the limitations in force in relation to the maximum capacity allowed in the arenas - the 60% - which effectively prevents the concert from taking place as it was intended: a group party to celebrate the 25th anniversary of The Plastic Factorywhich would be severely limited by the current provisions on live music.

Added to this is the climate of uncertainty with respect to the extension of the state of emergency and all related regulations, which makes it impossible to work properly on the organisation of the concert in the doubt of whether or not it will be able to take place even in the event of a possible change of colour the Milan area.

tickets already issued for the January concert will be valid for access to the rescheduled date, while the sales are open on channels TicketmasterTicketone e Vivaticket.

Radio Subasio is the official radio station for the concert.



The Plastic Factory and only the best


Saturday 29 January 2022

New date: Saturday 15 October 2022

Assago (MI), Mediolanum Forum - via Giuseppe di Vittorio, 6

Concerts start at 21:00



Poltronissima: € 60,00 + prev.

Armchair: € 50.00 + prev.

Ring A 1 Sector: € 60.00 + prev.

Ring A 2 Sector: € 50.00 + prev.

Gold Stand: € 40.00 + prev.

Numbered Ring B: € 35.00 + prev.

Numbered Ring C: € 30.00 + prev.


Tickets available at Ticketmaster, Ticketone e Vivaticket. Be wary of unofficial sales channels!