Three dates not to be missed for fans of glam metal, street and hard rock: for the first time the Hardcore Superstar and the Buckcherry touring together in our country with three dates where both will be headlinersin a real double billing which for fans of the genre is already the event of the year.

The Hardcore Superstar and the Buckcherry will be the 15 November at the New Age in Roncade (TV)the 16 November at the Estragon in Bologna and the 17 November at Alcatraz in Milan.

Opening the evenings, the sound between grunge and classic rock of the Venrez.



Many bands do not like to take risks - the Hardcore Superstar are not among them. The Swedish quartet has had the courage to marry together two styles that developed in antagonism to each other, the thrash metal and the sleaze rockThe first hard, dirty and aggressive, the second catchy, melodic and decadent. From this apparently daring combination comes the street metala merger that seemed natural to the drummer and founder of HSS, Addeand who, ever since the debut album 'It's Only Rock'n'Roll" of the 1998It won over the more intransigent fringes of the two factions.

Success proves that the HSS they were right: after opening concerts for planetary bands such as Ac/Dc, Aerosmith e Mötley Crue and released no fewer than nine studio albums - in addition to the compilation "The Party Ain't Over 'Til We Say So" of 2011 , the Scandinavian band's formula is proven and successful. Further proof of this is the latest chapter in their discography, the album '.C'mon Take On Me"produced by the band and mixed by Randy Staub (Metallica, Mötley Crue, The Cult), published in early 2013 for the Nuclear Blast / Sony Music.


Link to the video of thelatest single "Above the law": http://youtu.be/oRJtSNUDL14







The Californian band lands for the first time in Italy as a headlineron tour with the HSS. The formation dates back to 1995, from the meeting of singer Joshua Todd and the guitarist Keith Nelson in Los Angeles, joined by bassist Jonathan "J.B." Brightman and the drummer Devon Glenn. The band quickly gained a following thanks to its proposal that fused sleaze, old-style r'n'r and grunge into an energetic and convincing mix, and released its eponymous debut album in 1999.

On the second album, 'Time Bomb"(2001), followed by a tour alongside the Ac/Dcand a break preceding some line-up changes. The band returned to the scene in 2006 with "15", reaching the top ten Billboard Hot 100 with two singles, 'Crazy Bitch" e "Sorry".

After two more studio albums, "Black Butterfly" (2008) e "All Night Long"(2010), participation in the Crue Fest organised by the Mötley Crue and a back-to-back tour of the Kiss, i Buckcherry publish for the Century Media "Confessions" in February 2013. A concept inspired by the seven deadly sins, the album sees the band grappling with a more mature and melodic approach, without neglecting the fast-paced riffs and choruses that have made them famous.

Link to the video of thelatest single "Nothing left but tears": http://youtu.be/J1s-jpQwKAg



The Italian dates in detail:

Friday 15 November

Roncade (TV), New Age

Concert starts at 20.30


Saturday 16 November

Bologna, Estragon

Concert starts at 8 pm


Sunday 17 November

Milan, Alcatraz

Concert starts at 8 pm


Admission: € 25 + admission fee / € 30 at the box office

Tickets on sale on the Ticketone circuit (atwww.ticketone.it and at authorised points of sale)