Mastodon are back on tour in Europe after releasing their latest album 'The Hunter'. After 'Crack the skye', the band's fourth album, they present themselves with a new work, a renewed sound and a tour that will take them in Italy on 26 January at Alcatraz in Milan.

The American line-up has established itself in recent years as a reference point of the new metal scene, thanks to its unusual personality.

If with the previous tracks Mastodon had explored more complex themes and sounds, with 'The hunter' a new chapter opens, a new era of US heavy. This is confirmed by the harmonious melodies of the first official single 'The hunter'.Curl of the burl"released in August, as well as the melodic vein of the subsequent 'Black tongue".

This is not the first time, however, that Mastodon has collaborated with famous musicians from the heavy metal scene (Cedric Blixer Zavala, Scott Kelly of Neurosis and Josh Homme of Queen of the Stone Age).

The band was formed in Atlanta, Georgia, in 2000. The following year it released its first album 'Remission"followed in 2004 by "Leviathan". Mastodon became one of the leading bands of the new American heavy metal scene. After a tour with Slayer and Slipknot comes, in 2006, "Blood mountain"first disc for Warner Bros.. With the fourth album, 'Crack the skye", the band skimmed the American top ten until releasing, this year, "The hunter".





Thursday 26 January 2012 Alcatraz - Via Valtellina 25, Milan



Concert starts at 21.00 - single seat 25 euro + prev


Tickets for the concert, organised by Barley Arts, will be for sale on the and related outlets.