VAT VAT VAT start their collaboration with Barley Arts Promotion and announce their first concerts

A few days after the release of the debut album VIE (La Clinica Disks / Manita Disks)the trio VAT VAT VAT announces the first dates in collaboration with Barley Arts Promotion:

Sat 21 April - AVELLINO, Tilt

Tue 1 May - GENOACrazy Bull


Sat 2 June - MILANCircolo Ohibò

"...VIE is the answer to the individual's tendency towards self-limitation, the invitation to vigorously go beyond the conventionalism of these times, the constant search for new paths, new roads, new

VIE ...'

The people, the experiences, the collaborations and the kilometres travelled are the ingredients that have contributed to "giving matter to an idea" (as the slogan of the band's successful crowdfunding campaign read), giving life to VAT VAT VAT's debut album.

VIE, the title, stems from the recognition of multiplicity, diversity and dissimilarity as elements of absolute beauty and vitality. It is no coincidence that the title itself presents a double key to interpretation: the paths are the real or immaterial routes trodden by all of us in the course of our existence; but "la vie", from the French, represents existence itself. From this game of contrasts comes the idea of the group to dissolve in the eight tracks of the LP their artistic, cultural and musical background, trying not to lend the side to premature cataloging of genre.

Having said that, there are many common elements between the various tracks, above all: the absolute spatiality of the synthesisers and guitars and the synthetic taste of the drums. Finally, it is from the lyrics that we understand how VIE is the answer to the individual's tendency towards self-limitation; the invitation to go beyond the conventionalism of these times with vigour and to seek new paths, new roads, new ways.

VAT VAT VAT were born in 2014 under the name "Vanni&Troupe". The first work is an advertising jingle broadcasted by SKY SPORT Italia. The trio immediately found themselves playing in various contexts: from the Carlo Gesualdo Theatre (AV) to the European Centre in Toscolano (TR) where they came into contact with maestro Mogol and producers Francesco Valente and Riccardo Sinigallia.

In February 2015 the group produced a demo: HOMED. Two tracks of the home-made work become soundtracks of the TV format "dal punto di vista" broadcast by the Campane Primativvù and Telenostra stations. In May 2016 they revolutionize: in continuity with the musical identity progressively acquired, "Vanni&Troupe" becomes "VAT VAT VAT". The group opens up to more rock and less songwriting sounds and releases the EP "Reactions". The four unreleased tracks were presented at important events such as the "Fall Festival" (SA), Vinicio Capossela's "SponzFest" and the StayMusicFestival (AV) and in openActs with Francesco Sarcina (Le Vibrazioni) and Francesco Di Bella (ex 24 grana). The title track is selected in "Le canzoni migliori le aiuta la FAME vol.5" (La Fame Disks).

2017 is the year of Live. The tracks of the EP together with other unreleased ones are played in more than 70 concerts around Italy collecting positive feedbacks from different insiders. Naples, Rome, Milan, Sanremo are some of the places where VAT VAT brought their music. Just in conjunction with the Sanremo experience (Sanremo Rock 2017 finalists) they decide to accept Musicraiser's bet. They manage to raise over five thousand euros in just over fifteen days, reaching the goals set by the Crowdfunding campaign for the production of their debut album.

They obtained a physical and digital distribution contract with Believe Digital and recorded the LP at the Arte dei Rumori Studio in Naples under the supervision of Dr. Hope, former producer of "Le Strisce". In the studio they had the chance to get in touch with Davide Petrella, NTO and Sabba; the work will be released next April by the Ligurian record label "La Clinica Dischi" and the Bolognese "Manita Dischi".


VAT VAT are:

Giovanni D'Agostino - lyrics, electric guitar, vocals

Giuseppe Solito - choirs, piano, synth, synthbass

Andrea Solito - drums, drum pad