SCISSOR SISTERS, RENATO ZERO and MIKA will be among the guests of the fifty-seventh edition of the festival of S. Remo leaving this evening.
Today it is the turn of the Scissor Sistersone of the best bands of the year: on the wave of the success of their latest and second album Ta-DahThe most glittering band of the moment will be coming to Italy for a full concert next year. 5 April at Alcatraz, Milan.
Waiting for the MP Zero Tour 2007 which will see him play seven concerts in Italian stadiums, Renato Zero will be a guest on the Ariston stage on Friday night, for what will be one of the highlights of the entire kermesse.
On Saturday it will be the turn of the revelation of recent months: MIKA. His pop is infecting everyone, his irresistible music has led critics to compare him to the likes of Freddie Mercury and George Michael: we all look forward to the next one 12 April at General Warehouses in Milan for its first Italian date.