It is entitled 'Not a fairy tale' the single marking the return of The Aura after the success of the debut album Okumuki'. The song will be on the radio from Friday 4 May and from the same date it will be available in digital stores. The CD single will be released on 18 May.

In 'Non è una favola' L'Aura - author of music and lyrics - with modern irony points the finger at the neuroses of certain star system personalities who make their gilded life a trap of unhappiness. In the musical part, L'Aura experiments with electronics, totally absent from the previous album.

This first single represents just one of the many 'nuances' that paint L'Aura's new album, due out in June. It will be a particularly rich CD, with frequent changes of register, moving from the strong tones of rock to the more delicate tones of ballads and jazz.

L'Aura celebrates her return in the company of fans on Friday 4 May. In fact, a chat is scheduled to start at 2.30 p.m. during which L'Aura will submit herself to questions from the public. Information on how to access the chat can be found at www.sonymbg.it, www.l-aurateam.it, www.l-aura.com