They will be AURA e THE NUCLEUS to open Lenny Kravitz's 3 Italian concerts. AURA, a young Italian musician who recently released her debut album OKUMUKI, sung in Italian and English, will play the 3 June at the Arena di Verona (first of 3 concerts in Italy, but also European debut of Lenny's tour) and 6 June at the Forum di Assago. For the 4 June show in Florence, L'Aura, long since confirmed for the Festivalbar opening gala, passes the baton to the rock of IL NUCLEO, who after the great success of their first album 'Meccanismi' return to the music scene with their new CD 'ESSERE ROMANTICO' released on 13 May.
Confirmation that L'AURA and IL NUCLEO are the young Italian artists chosen as guests for Lenny's concerts comes directly from the American artist's management, as the US tour comes to a close, with the last date scheduled for 27 May in Los Angeles.
The world tour, which started on 4 March from Mexico City, brought KRAVITZ to Latin America for the first time, with a concert that 'will be a return to the roots, an opportunity to re-establish close contact with my fans' - in the words of Lenny himself.
It will also be an opportunity to listen to all the hits of a now 15-year career. Among the most important rock musicians of our time, LENNY KRAVITZ has created a bold and incisive sound that transcends all differences of genre, style, ethnicity and social class. Although his music is fertile with influences from the soul, rock and funk of the 1960s and 1970s, each of his seven albums - the first LET LOVE RULE was released in 1989, the latest BAPTISM in 2004 - has been able to communicate the spirit of the period in which it was released.
Lenny's songs have settled in the collective memory to the point of constituting a timeless repertoire. Songs such as Always On The Run, Again, Fly Away, Mr Cab Driver, Again, Where Are We Running, Are You Gonna Go My Way, Believe, Dig In, I Belong To You, American Woman make Lenny Kravitz one of the absolute stars of the rock'n'roll Olympus. Energetic music, driven by a core of emotions that materialise in irresistible riffs and vocal interpretations full of passion, from the very beginning, Lenny has constantly renewed his sound: never paint the same picture, never use the same colours. "It's not a conscious choice but I certainly don't like to repeat myself," Kravitz explains. "Once I've done something, it's done and I'm only interested in keeping going."
While there is already talk of a new album expected by the end of the year, less glossy than the last, with a turn towards a more sanguine rock'n'roll imbued with funk and soul, and above all with some luxury collaborations (it seems that Prince is somehow involved in the production), LADY, the third single taken from Baptism (after Calling All Angels and Where Are We Running), has just been released. Never to be denied
Although this is certainly his truest passion, Lenny's interests extend beyond music: not only film and fashion, but also humanitarian initiatives. Always involved in the defence of human rights, in the last year Lenny Kravitz has personally committed himself as testimonial (together with other celebrities such as Michael Douglas, Youssou N'Dour, Carlinhos Brown and other show business personalities) in support of the NO EXCUSE social campaign promoted by the United Nations under the name of MILLENIUM CAMPAIGN, which aims to drastically reduce poverty, disease and hardship in the world's less fortunate countries. In Italy the same campaign has valid support among journalists, sportsmen and mass media such as MTV, not by chance the official partner of Lenny Kravitz's tour together with RIN and Corriere della Sera.
Concerts start at 20.00 - Doors open at 19.00
Unnumbered bleachers: 32 € + prev
Numbered boxes: 52 € + prev
Stalls seats : 68 € + prev
Orchestra Orchestra seats : 80 € + prev
Florence :
Single seat : 35 euro + prev
Numbered Lateral Grandstands: 55€ + prev
Milan :
Second Ring non num : 32 € + prev
Parterre and First Ring non num : 52 € + prev
Gold Stand: 75 € + prev
Le BOUQUET OF MADNESS annunciano il “Bello senza Asterisco Tour”, due date in teatri di prestigio nel 2025!
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