Many Hearts, One Love, the show conceived and co-produced by Casta Diva Group, Blue Note Milano and Barley Arts, in collaboration with the Italian Red Cross, is on the starting blocks: the big concert will be available from Saturday 8 May 2021 - World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day - starting at 19.00 on Blue Note VoD platform (€9.99), while a preview will be available for streaming on the Via Borsieri jazz club's Facebook and YouTube channels.
The aim of the event is to support and 14 million volunteers of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, to which the proceeds from ticket sales will go.
The show directed by Michaela Berlinialso author of the same together with Francesco Gorgoni, will begin in style with a theme song 'imagined' and devised for the occasion, during which the trumpet of Paolo Fresu will accompany a special performance by Mauro Masi who will draw with sand to the notes of a famous international song.
Under the artistic direction of Claudio Trotta will take turns on stage 39 national and international artistssome of whom will stage strictly live some absolute novelty and uniqueness among which we like to highlight the following contributions: Malika Ayane will perform two tracks from his latest album: Original Sinwith the GnuQuartet, and You like yourself like thisaccompanied for the first time together by Bandakadabra and GnuQuartet.
Enrico Ruggeri will perform three songs including The sea in winterfor the first time together with Ermal Meta who will also perform two solo pieces including a special cover of Love and Hate by Kiwanuka and STefano Di Battista with his interpretation of Gabriel's Oboe by Ennio Morricone.
Franco Mussida will present on the stage of the Blue Note in Milan two previously unreleased tracks that will be part of his new record project currently being recorded: Nini e Solidarity Democracy.
Don Pasta will offer accompanied by the CPM Music Institute House Band an entertaining and passionate edition of his grandmother's aubergine parmigiana recipe.
Walter Rolfo devised a unique and original ad hoc performance specifically for Many Hearts One Love.
Milo Manara will bring a drawing of himself on stage depicting a Red Cross volunteer and give it to the Italian Red Cross for the occasion as a token of thanks for their hard work.
Nick The Nightfly with Mauro Masi and the CPM Music Institute House Band will play Lean on me by Bill Withers.
Finally, the final theme song will feature Tosca, Bandakadabra, Chiara Buratti,Don Pasta,Franco Mussida and Nick The Nightfly,Gnu Quartet and House Band CPM who, for the first time together, will sing This little light of mine classic Gospel evergreen.
Here is the complete line up (alphabetical order): Bandakadabra, Chiara Buratti, Don Pasta, Enrico Ruggeri, Ermal Meta, Franco Mussida, GnuQuartet, House Band Music Institute CPM, John Mc Laughlin, Malika Ayane, Mauro Masi, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Milo Manara, Nick The Nightfly, Nicola Lagioia, Olivia Trummer, Paolo Fresu with Bebo Ferra & Nanni Gaias, Stefano Di Battista, Tosca, Walter Rolfo.
"Many Hearts One Love is finally ready to go', states Andrea De Micheli, President e Administrator Delegate by Casta Diva Groupowner of Blue Note Milan. "We put our hearts into this show: it is a project in which we believe a lot and we are convinced that the public will also appreciate its quality.
What's more, with a small gesture, each of us can really make a difference on Saturday 8 May: just log on to the, buy your ticket for the show and enjoy this great event from the comfort of your home knowing that you have done a good deed. Ihe proceeds will be donated to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)", concludes De Micheli.
"Not just a sequence of unique and passionate songs and words, but a voluntary contribution of more than 70 people who all together and in a short time and a lot of work experienced an affective and harmonious day to make their own contribution to our future, which is unwritten and depends on all those who believe in their individual and collective possibility to make a difference, just like the millions of Red Cross volunteers do every day around the world. Thanks for this to everyone: artists, creatives, workers and producers', he emphasises Claudio Trotta, director artistic of the event and founder by Barley Arts and of Slow Music.
"The idea of participating in this event dedicated to the Red Cross volunteers who have done so much during this very difficult year all over the world is not only a pleasure but also an honour."These are the words of Ermal Meta. "Music, which has always been a cure for the soul, in this case wants to be a Thank You for those who have helped heal all the wounds that this pandemic has created".
"The country is restarting, it is time to rebuild and reconstruct, huddling with those who have always fought to protect the weakest."These are the words of Enrico Ruggeri. "As president of the Italian National Singers' Association, I have always seen the Red Cross as an example of love and dedication for others super partes, without ideological conditioning. As a musician, I am happy to participate in the event, which, on Saturday 8 May, will help support one of the projects of which I am proud. Life is the art of encounter, it has been said: the concert will be an opportunity for surprising artistic crossings and human contacts that we have not always seen or heard. Thank you for involving me".
"I invite you to donate money to this initiative in favour of the Red Cross, in which I participate aware of the role and power of sound and speech. After eight years, I am officially returning to convey my innermost feelings through Music. Music alone is a non-verbal code, it is pure emotional intention"he concludes. Franco Mussida.