Only the Deftones will still have a chance to get into Alcatraz this evening. The band's only date in Chino Moreno has already been sold out for several days. Only a few dozen 'last minute' tickets will be available at the box office from 7 pm. Today's is the first of three evenings of Barley sold out in Milan's biggest club.
Tomorrow it is the turn of Scissor SistersFor them too, the very last tickets can be purchased in the late afternoon at the venue's cash desk.
Thursday 12 April sees the arrival of the new King of the European charts, Mikawhich, after a double location change due to an incredible demand for tickets, is now also selling out at Alcatraz. Fans of the Lebanese-born talent still have a few hours left to secure the last seats.
Le BOUQUET OF MADNESS annunciano il “Bello senza Asterisco Tour”, due date in teatri di prestigio nel 2025!
Per concludere in bellezza un anno di grandi soddisfazioni – la sempre crescente popolarità del podcast nelle sue varie declinazioni, il travolgente successo degli spettacoli