Ninety minutes of adrenaline-fuelled rave for the first date of Prodigy's Italian tour, on stage last Friday at Milan's MazdaPalace. Liam Howelett, Keith Flint and Maxim conquered the Italian audience once again, after their recent appearance at the Flippaut Festival in Bologna, dusting off all the band's historic songs from their first greatest hits 'Their Law - The Singles'.
Here are the proposed tracks :
Break and Enter
Their Law
Wake the Fuck Up
Hot Ride
Back to School
Action Radar Link
Claustrophobic Link
No Good
Voodoo People
Diesel Power Beats
Smack My Bitch Up
Out of Space
We recall that The Prodigy will be on stage tonight for their last concert on Italian soil, at the Palalottomatica in Rome. Tickets are still available at the box office from 6.30 pm.
Thanks for the photo Paolo Proserpio