The Operational Protocol for the re-opening of live performance and event spaces is the result of months of collective work by workers, companies, doctors and artists and was joined by the following unions:
The aim of this operational protocol is to enable the planned reopening of the live performance and event spaces in spring 2021, thus enabling the appropriate and necessary organisation and promotion of events.
There is no obligation to reopen, and in any case, the adoption of the protocol does not mean the discontinuation of tenders and refreshments for the sector. Adequate refreshments will be necessary for those who still do not reopen or do not start working at full capacity again.
The adherents of the protocol ask for further and different support when it is declared necessary to reopen spaces. Non-repayable subsidies to cover additional costs related to organisation, personnel and technological innovation, but also capped prices of rapid swabs, personal protective equipment, sanitation products, etc.
The promoters make themselves available as of now for any discussion deemed necessary for your
consideration and for the adoption of the same.
The promoters of the Protocol
Info: [email protected]