We can speak of authentic ticket hunting for the fourteen dates of Renato Zero's tour. After the first sales figure announced on barleyarts.com (see news), now the number of tickets sold in the first nine hours of sales exceeds the quota of 15.000 coupons . On the date of Romeeven, presales on Ticketone are sold out, and the last tickets are available from tomorrow only on the Amit Circuit(to find out which ones they are, click on Renato Zero's Roman concert, and then at the top right on 'where to buy').
Fourteen dates will take Renato Zero to as many locations around the peninsula this autumn/winter:
16 October GENOA MazdaPalace
18 October MILAN Forum
21 October TORINO MazdaPalace
26 October PADOVA Palasport
30 October PESARO Bpa Palas
02 November ROME Palalottomatica
05 November FLORENCE Palasport
11 November BOLOGNA Palamalaguti
16 November EBOLI (Sa) Pala Sele
19 November CASERTA Palamaggiò
21 November BARLETTA Paladisfida
24 November REGGIO CALABRIA Palapentimele
26 November PALERMO Palasport
28 November ACIREALE (Ct) Palasport
Below is the direct link at Ticketone, where you can buy tickets directly by credit card, or where you can find the Point of Sale closer to home: