We regret to inform you that the opening stage of the spring 2017 edition of STREEAT - European Food Truck Festival scheduled for this weekend in Milan at Leonardo Da Vinci Square was postponed to the weekend of 5-6-7 Mayin the same square. The lack of authorisation by the municipal offices for this weekend is dictated by the application of Lombardy Regional Law No. 10 of 29 April 2016 on the subject and does NOT stem from a lack of appreciation of the initiative.
Read the article by Massimo Pisa in today's Repubblica Milano, 30 March, to find out more.
Le BOUQUET OF MADNESS annunciano il “Bello senza Asterisco Tour”, due date in teatri di prestigio nel 2025!
Per concludere in bellezza un anno di grandi soddisfazioni – la sempre crescente popolarità del podcast nelle sue varie declinazioni, il travolgente successo degli spettacoli