It is entitled 'We Are The Night' the new album by Chemical Brothers. The successor of 'Push The Button' (2005) will be released in June by Virgin.
Inside, a very interesting collaboration with Tim Smith, frontman and vocalist of Midlake, for the track 'The Pills Won't Help You Now'.
Fratelli Chimici will be in Italy in June for two concerts: the 15th in Milan (Idroscalo) and the 16th in Rome (PalaLottomatica).
Tickets for both dates cost 50 euros plus presale fees. Both shows will start at 9pm.
Le BOUQUET OF MADNESS annunciano il “Bello senza Asterisco Tour”, due date in teatri di prestigio nel 2025!
Per concludere in bellezza un anno di grandi soddisfazioni – la sempre crescente popolarità del podcast nelle sue varie declinazioni, il travolgente successo degli spettacoli