Dopo l’annuncio dell’imperdibile giornata di Comfort Festival by mercoledì 9 luglio 2025, che li vedrà insieme sul palco della Villa Casati Stampa di Cinisello Balsamo, nella Città metropolitana di Milano, le due band annunciano un altro show insieme fissato per giovedì 10 luglio alla Rocca Malatestiana di Cesena in occasione del festival acieloaperto. I tickets will be available on Ticketone dalle 12 of tomorrow, mercoledì 15 gennaio; quelli per lo spettacolo milanese sono già disponibili sullo stesso canale di vendita.
Durante il periodo di fermo forzato dovuto alla pandemia di Covid-19 Andrew Stockdale, volto e anima dei Wolfmother,è entrato nel suo studio di registrazione casalingo e ha registrato tutti gli strumenti di Rock Outthe sixth studio album by the Wolfmother, pubblicato nel 2021. Mentre la salute mentale diventava uno dei problemi più rilevanti durante la pandemia, Stockdale used the majesty of rock with all its healing qualities of the chakras to guide himself in the creation of Rock Out. After completing the album using electronic drums - all very digitised and 'computerish' - . Stockdale considered re-recording the drum tracks live, but instead of going to a luxurious recording studio in Los Angeles, he decided to record in his home with the help of a 19-year-old student from the SAE Institute in Byron Bay and calling on some of his long-time collaborators such as Hamish Rosser to the battery and Alexx McConnell on bass. The various incarnations of this record, from demo to live recording with the band, had a gestation period of about a year and a half. One could say that this work is an ode to the frontmen and riff masters of the past, almost an imaginary stadium tour in 1982 that never happened.
Con le radici profondamente piantate nel rock anni Sessanta e Settanta, i Dirty Honey sono tra le band americane più apprezzate degli ultimi anni. Can't Find The Brakes!!!, uscito nel 2023, ha ricevuto ottimi riscontri di pubblico e critica e il singolo Won't Take Me Alive ha dominato le classifiche statunitensi e inglesi per diverse settimane. L’album, prodotto da Nick DiDia e registrato nei suoi studi di Byron Bay, dà prova del talento della band in fatto di songwriting. Dal groove del primo brano della tracklist Don't Put Out The Fire to the intense Coming Home (Ballad of the Shire)from the riffs of Satisfied to the bluesy sound of Rebel Son, Can't Find The Brakes!!! is a perfect distillation of the soul of Dirty Honey.
"The making of Can't Find The Brakes!!! was completely different from that of the album Dirty Honey', declares the frontman Marc LaBelle. "The Covid created a situation where we didn't really enjoy it, whereas for the new album we were able to spend time together again. We spent more than a month together with Nick, our producer, in his studio in Australia. Just being able to physically go back in the studio with him - no Zoom, this time - allowed us to experiment, and it all contributed to the wide range of emotions contained in our new album. He then continues LaBelleOne of the strengths of Can't Find The Brakes!!! is the album's variety. At a time when bands sometimes play it safe and cling to a specific sound, the Dirty Honey They change it with each piece, offering everything from hard rock anthems to more delicate songs. I Dirty Honey have just started, and if they can put together this range of styles at the beginning of their careers, it will be exciting to see where they will be in ten years' time. –
Mercoledì 9 Luglio 2025
Special guest: LIFE IN THE WOODS
Milano, Comfort Festival® / Villa Casati Stampa, Cinisello Balsamo – ingresso da via Fratelli Cervi
Concerts start at 19:00
Tickets available on Ticketone.
Giovedì 10 Luglio 2025
Cesena, acieloaperto Festival / Rocca Malatestiana – via Cia degli Ordelaffi, 8
Concerts start at 20:30
Tickets available on Ticketone.