A splendid evening was staged at the Blue Note by Milan on 25 September. Protagonists Chiara Civello and her band. The young singer from Rome presented her new album in the prestigious venue, the prince of Italian jazz events The Space Between which will be released in shops on 28 September.
The Blue Note was packed for the occasion and the enthusiasm for Chiara's music went through the roof: no less than three encores were requested by a crowd that did not want to leave the venue.
On stage with the singer-songwriter were the musicians who collaborated with her on the album: Pete Rende on the floor, Ben Street on bass (already with Chiara for the previous 'Last Moon Quartet'), Yakamoto on xylophone and percussion and Tony Mason to the battery.
Chiara's repertoire focused mainly on new songs (where her not only jazzy vein shines through), without neglecting the compositions from her previous studio work, an album that was able to sell almost 40,000 copies, a considerable figure considering the sophistication of the project.
Testifying to the appeal that the singer-songwriter is enjoying with the public, the old and well-known compositions were greeted with standing ovations.
As the crowd leaves the Blue Note, one has the distinct feeling of having witnessed the performance of one of the greatest talents of Italian jazz (and beyond).
Photos of Francesco Prandoni