Luciano Ligabue joined the 'Banda Battisti' project conceived by journalist Franco Zanetti. The author of 'Nome e Cognome', this is the title of his new album to be released on 16 September, will perform a guitar and vocal version of Lucio Battisti's famous song 'The Sun Song".

Ligabue's performance will be broadcast at 12 noon on 10 September on and on TIM's mobile platform.
At the same time, it can be heard at the Campovolo venue in Reggio Emilia (whose doors will open at 10.00 a.m.), where at 9.00 p.m. on the same day Luciano Ligabue will hold his eagerly awaited concert.

"BandaBattisti" is a project, between tribute and performance, devised by Franco Zanetti, music journalist and director of the online music daily, which invited the Italian Bands (Municipal Bands, Fanfares, Philharmonic Bands, etc.) to join together for a gigantic undertaking: on the same day (10 September) at the same time (12 noon), at a signal broadcast live by Radio Italia, all the Bands, each in their own city or town, will simultaneously play Lucio Battisti's 'La canzone del sole' (whose seventh anniversary of his death will be the day before, 9 September), creating the largest simultaneous performance ever. As of today, Tuesday 30 August, 220 bands have already signed up (on the website the updated list by regions is available).