The Campovolo organisation invites the public to go well in advance to the Luciano Ligabue concert scheduled for Saturday 10 September in Reggio Emilia. To reduce traffic jams and long delays, it is advisable to arrive at Campovolo as early as possible, remembering that on Saturday 10 September the Reggio Emilia Festival of Unity (FestaReggio), in which Campovolo is located, will be open and active from 8.30 a.m., with its 160,000 square metres of area and 22,000 square metres of food stands, exhibitors and play areas.

In addition in the city of Reggio Emilia (the centre of which is only 2 km from Campovolo) all shops and businesses will be open regularly.. The gates for the concert open at 12 noon.

After the Ligabue concertThe Festa de L'Unita will be ready to welcome those who want to stay up late with many gastronomic activities and an aftershow at the Arena Boorea to make the night whiter.
From 00:00 until sunrise at the Arena/Tunnel inside FestaReggio the best blues performers from Reggio Emilia will take turns on stage.Roots Connection, Oracle King's Band, Johnny La Rosa. DJ sets by Tempo Rock and surprise guests until dawn.

An information point will be set up at the railway station and a leaflet will be distributed at the toll booth exits with a map of the road network, indications of car parks and a series of useful information. The leaflet will help the public to understand which area of Campovolo to watch since Ligabue will perform on 4 stages, allowing everyone to experience the concert not only in front of Luciano but "surrounded" by him. The area is, in fact, served with huge screens and an enveloping sound system designed to make Luciano "go around" the audience.

I car parks The city's ordinary car parks (at the Giglio stadium, at the Court, in via Gramsci, at the Polveriera, in the Mazzacurati area, at the former Foro Boario) have been expanded with the creation of another 7 pay car parks. Motorbike parking is located in Via Caduti delle Reggiane.

The toll-free number 800 621 621 will be available for real-time updates on traffic, parking and alternative routes.