Along with the video premiere on Rockit of the new single You are all right (Bryan Senti & Justin Moshkevich Rework 2018), from New Rules EP out in September, Giorgieness announces the next stages of the summer tour:
26/05 - Milan @ MiAmi Festival (Circolo Magnolia)
16/06 - Roccabianca (PR) @ Riparty Rokka
27/06 - San Paolo D'Argon (BG) @ Birra n' Banda
06/07 - Valmadrera (LC) @ Val in Fest
24/08 Cassine (AL) @ Indipendenza Festival
Revamped and made even more compact than the album version, 'You're All Right' (Bryan Senti & Justin Moshkevich Rework 2018) is the result of a chance Berlin meeting between Giorgia and Bryan Senti a few months ago. Bryan, whose CV includes collaborations with Mark Ronson, Miike Snow, Boy George and Rufus Wainwright, sensed in Giorgieness' voice and songs a hidden and extremely powerful potential that he wanted to try to bring to the centre stage: the voice, the main characteristic of the artist from Valtellina. Made between skype/dropbox/whatsapp etc etc etc etc, in a virtual triangle between Cantù (where Giorgia lives and where Davide Lasala's Edac Studio is also located), Los Angeles (where the two producers Bryan & Justin live) and Berlin (which always plays an important role in Giorgia's life and where the project was conceived as well as Federico Testa's video), "Avete Tutti Ragione" anticipates "NUOVE REGOLE EP" coming out in September with two more amazing reworks ("Vecchi" and "Fotocamera") and an unreleased ("Questa Città"). This EP shows how Giorgieness' sonic mutation is underway and is unstoppable (as well as unpredictable).
The coming months will be full of news for Giorgienesswhich put the two American producers in the hands of Bryan Senti e Justin Moshkevichthree tracks from the album 'Siamo Tutti Stanchi' released at the end of last year by Woodworm.
What came out are three reworks: three completely new tracks, rearranged with production additions and a new mastering (by Oli Bosch), in which emerges a greater ability to focus on the voice, the true backbone (along with the lyrics) of Giorgieness' world.
The three tracks are 'Avete Tutti Ragione', 'Fotocamera' and 'Vecchi' and along with the previously unreleased 'Questa Città' will be part of an EP due out in September entitled 'Los Angeles Session 2018'.
In anticipation of the whole journey, here is the video of 'Avete Tutti Ragione' by Federico Testa and Chiara Bonetti in Berlin.–