Information for people with disabilities

ATTENZIONE: i posti per persone con disabilità per il concerto degli AC/DC a Imola sono esauriti.

Access for people with disabilities requires the purchase of a full-price ticket and free admission for the accompanying person.

It is necessary to fill in the form with the applicant's name, surname, email address and telephone number, the concert in which he or she would like to participate and the name of the accompanying person, and to enclose a document certifying the disability condition.
Depending on the availability of places, we will or will not confirm your reservation by email within the next ten working days.

If the answer is affirmative, the confirmation email will serve as the actual booking. All information regarding payment of the ticket for the disabled person will be communicated by email.

Please note that places reserved for persons with disabilities are limited, so confirmation will be subject to the actual availability of the place upon receipt of all documentation.

Disabled form